Lee SunHee

Earth nation
rock star
October 17, 1995
171cm (5'6"), 54kg

The glory days

Life had been nothing but abundance for Sunhee during her childhood. She grew up in the outskirts of Eunhuel with her family; her loving mother Sunmi, her strong father Taehyung and her younger sickly sister Sunhwa.

While her parents would work their shift in the nearby gold mine, Sunhee and Sunhwa would play out in the fields near the house. Together they would study the animals around them, mimic the sounds of their calls and learn what fruits and berries could and could not be eaten. They would explore every day, finding small nooks and crannies where they together hid away; the only proof of their whereabouts the sound of childlike laughter that rung among the mountains.On her 7th birthday, Sunhee got her first guitar. She quickly found her rhythm, alternating between learning new songs or making up her own. Where ever Sunhee was, you’d find her with her guitar. And as Sunhwa’s health steadily declined, their days of nature exploration became days of solo-concerts. Sunhee would get dressed up and set up a fake stage with lights and everything, all to keep her sister happy.But no matter how much Sunhwa smiled, her health kept deteriorating. When Sunhee was 14 it had become harder for Sunhwa to stay awake, her frail body fighting for the few moments she could have with her family. And they would all gather around her bed, tell stories of mystical far-off realms or play games. They were strong together. That was how it had always been.Until the day Sunhee ran into Sunhwa’s room, guitar in hand, ready to play her sister a new song she had been working on. But Sunhwa made no reaction. She would not open her eyes or speak, nor move a muscle. Sunhee had screamed at her, tears welling in her eyes as she shook her sister, urging her to do anything. Anything…The minutes became hours. as Sunhee sat there by her sister’s side. She couldn’t move, just weakly clasped the cold fingers betwee her own, making sure Sunhwa knew she was safe. She had her family there. She was there.Sunhwa had passed in her sleep that night. Her parents had not known until they got home, finding their daughters in her bedroom; one cold and still, the other quiet and shaking. They had hugged Sunhee, told her everything would be fine, but she kept holding onto Sunhwa’s hand. If she just kept holding it, they couldn’t take her away. They couldn’t break their family. The doctors could bring her back, Sunhee was sure of it. She had seen it on TV so many times before. She begged and pleaded with her family, but they already knew for sure the thing Sunhee did not want to face.

"For you"

For a year she would hold it all against her parents. They should have known all along. They should have checked on her. They should have been the one to tell her from the start. She’d make up excuse after excuse to blame them, putting a wall between her and them each time they would speak. Despite loving the nature outside her windows, Sunhee retreated inside, holding herself company with new compositions she’d make up. She became like stone itself; hard on the outside, holding everything in.Until the day her dad had hugged her out of the blue. He had held her tightly, despite her squirming, and told her how much he missed her. How he had lost two daughters that day, but knew how to get one back. Whatever walls had remained crumbled that very moment, and for the first time since that day, Sunhee faced the reality of it all. She sobbed as she clung onto her father, wondering what to even do with herself.That night, she would put on the first show for her sister in a year. She walked out into the fields once the sun had set, her eyes stinging from the tears that no longer wanted to come. She had raised her hand to the sky, her pick pointed towards wherever her sister could be. “For you.”
The song she had worked on that day rocked through her body as she played, giving the girl a moment to lose herself in the rhythm. Each lyric was screamed with a mix of anger and sadness, each strum of the strings sending minor tremors into the ground.


Fauna Symbiosis: Level 1
Seismic Pulse: Level 10


Usually dark clothing, lots of fishnet, ripped oversized garments, garthers and corsets. Prefers skirts.
Long black hair that she dyes a bright red to grab attention. Leaves the roots visible. Usually kept in a ponytail or twintails.
One in each earlobe.
None, unless you count her calloused fingers

LIkes and dislikes

Loud music of most genres
Dancing and partying
Belly laughing
Animals (loves cats)
Sad movies
Boring days
People who act snooty


Sexy, free and single

Moon Dasom

Lead Singer - Landslide
Childhood friend

Kang Ma-Ri

Drummer - Landslide
Close friend

Han Jaejin

Still has a room in Sunhee's heart
She constantly sketches her eyes

Park Dam-Bi

Bassist - Landslide
Childhood friend

Hwang Seo Yun

Rhythm Guitarist - Landslide
Close friend


Today Sunhee lives in a small condo in Eunmi, usually filling her spare time with exploration and partying.
That is if she's not out practicing or touring with her band - Landslide.
When she can she will be taking care of the neighbourhood stray cats, feeding and grooming them as best as her powers allow her. She is rarely seen without a smile, and even rarer without her guitar - A custom Fender Stratocaster named Sunhwa.Every now and then she will take some time off to visit her parents, ensuring she can do what is possible to take care of them.


Despite the emotional anguish she once suffered, Sunhee is eternally bubbly and cheerful. She will always try to make those around her smile, thinking that a smile itself can be the best medicine. She lives her life to the max, grabbing most chances and opportunities offered just to say she has experienced it all. Though some find her to be a bit playful or flirtatious, she tries not to push limits too much.

Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21+
Timezone: GMT+1
Preferred POV: 3rd
My replies might be all over the place in terms of time, due to work and all. Will try my best to get to every reply as soon as possible.

I'm down for most genres, so long as major trigger warnings are discussed beforehand. Shoot me a DM/PM if you want to plan.


One eyed tabby
"Younger brother" of Ki
Hangs around the park in Eunmi


Fat bobtail
Loves pets on the belly
Hangs around near Sunhee's appartment in Eunmi


Bigger tabby
"Older brother" of Gi
Hangs around the park in Eunmi


More rambunctious
Lives out in the countryside by Sunhee's parents